40-Year Study Finds Defiant Children More Likely To Be Rich & Successful

Defiance is more than being stubborn. Defiant kids will actually resist behaving or conforming to what is asked or expected. As a matter of fact, they'll probably do the exact opposite.

This is too true in my house. My twins don't listen to me and actively will do the opposite of what I tell them to do. I can't completely blame them as they are mini versions of me in that regard.

Well, there is good news.

A 40-year study began by collecting data from children at age 12, taking into consideration factors such as family circumstances and status, their intelligence, and performance and behavior at school. Researchers then examined the same 745 participants at age 52, comparing the original data to their occupational success and income.

What did they find?

In layman’s terms, your child’s ‘rebellious’ behavior, strong personality and willingness to not conform and push the boundaries will result in a more successful adulthood and higher income.

(Women's Health) Photo:Getty/Maskot

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